
Upcoming Events -

Upcoming Events -


Take a peek at what we have planned ahead. Stay in the loop by checking in on our Instagram!

5/20 - Member Meeting at Gensler

5/28 - Coffee Talk: ARE Aversion/ NCARB Struggles

Portland hosted the 2023 NOMA National Conference

Building Bridges: Moving Towards Just + Joyful Futures

Conference was October 11-15, 2023, thank you to the record breaking amount of local volunteers, and sponsors for making this remarkable event possible!

2023 NOMA National Conference Highlights




The mission of NOMA PDX is to empower local creatives, amplify underrepresented experiences within the design community, and advocate for social justice, equity, and self-determination through design achievement, community engagement, professional development, and just and confirming community practices.

What we mean by underrepresented experiences historically our ideas, our workspaces, our homes have not been representative of students, professionals and communities of diverse backgrounds.

Special Thanks to our

2023 Sustaining Sponsors:


NOMA’s mission, rooted in a rich legacy of activism, is to empower our local chapters and membership to foster justice and equity in communities of color through outreach, community advocacy, professional development, and design excellence.


Community Agreements

These agreements came from a consensus-driven process to identify what every person in the group needs from each other and commits to each other to feel safe, supported, open and trusting. This framework helps guide how people aspire to work and be together as they take transformational action within NOMA PDX.

 Banner Images Credit to Photographer: Andrew Wallner